California Signature Guidelines

Revision as of 14:54, 21 November 2019 by Standupwireless (talk | contribs)

Signature Guidelines:

  • Must be legibly printed. No cursive.
  • At least the full first and full last name must be present. No initials.
  • First and last name must be spelled exactly as entered on the application
  • Names must be in order from left to right or top to bottom (FN, MN, LN Suffix)

  • Examples of acceptable signatures:

  • For a customer with the following name:
    • First Name: John
    • Middle Name: Joseph
    • Last Name: Doe
    • Suffix: Jr


    The above signature is acceptable because it follows all the signature guidelines stated above.


    The above signature is acceptable because it follows all the signature guidelines stated above.

    Examples of unacceptable signatures:

  • For a customer with the following name:
    • First Name: John
    • Middle Name: Joseph
    • Last Name: Doe
    • Suffix: Jr


    The above signature is unacceptable because the first name (John) is not spelled out.


    The above signature is unacceptable because it is written in cursive.


    The above signature is unacceptable because the first name is misspelled.


    The above signature is unacceptable because it is not written in the correct order (FN,MN,LN,Suffix).